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SMS Services

Leveraging our success on the international VoIP services side, we’ve expanded our services portfolio by entering the SMS business. Nowadays, VoIP SMS solutions are one of the most effective and preferred enterprise messaging solutions for business communication around the world. By using VoIP SMS services, your business can reach customers through text, thus enabling powerful communication and chat features.

VoIP services and SMS services offered by Telecom company, international telecom provider
VoIP services and SMS services offered by Telecom company, international telecom provider

How do VoIP SMS services work?

The process involves an application that sends messages to a mobile user, however A2P can also be used as a customer service tool, activation and authentication mechanism, for medical or travel updates, banking messages and many other value-added messages.

Thanks to our direct interconnection, we provide direct SMS solutions worldwide, with optimized speed and reliable delivery. We offer quality at competitive pricing for direct routes or High-Quality routes, for telecom carriers, mobile aggregators, and enterprises.